Start of 2023-24 School Year
Week of February 9th
Did you know that OHuddle receives a pallet of HEALTHY snacks each week from our Wooster Walmart? This partnership is an evolution of the healthy food conversations we have been having with our teens.
This week, please watch this video and have a conversation with your mentee about trying a new healthy food. You can watch the video to the right or the SNAP ed video made just for OHuddle.
Additionally, don't forget to secure your Gala tickets with a $25 discount. Presale tickets are going fast!
Weekly Guidance on our highlighted Developmental Asset:
See the graphic below for a highlight of the asset we are fostering in service this week.

Ask your Site Coordinator about this week's optional project OR use the Neighborhood Huddle app at the left button below.
Did you know that your youth has a chance to leverage their weekly asset project into a prize? When kids complete 20/40 asset projects, they can win an Android tablet and earbuds.
OHuddle is partnering with Fleet Feet to add a new prize option for students. Now, youth can choose either the tablet OR a new pair of shoes in their size.
See your Site Coordinator for details and for information about how to use the Neighborhood Huddle App OR the paper passport below to track their progress.
Want to get involved outside of your regularly scheduled time? Talk to your youth about meeting at a field trip or come to an OHuddle Hour for PD around self care. These add ons are optional but a great way to expand your involvement as a mentor.
Field trips leverage the developmental assets in new places. Talk to your Site Coordinator about the benefit of inviting your youth to 2 or 3 events this year.
All field trips provide youth dinner and free opportunities or giveaways to expand their horizons.
Want to see stories of what is happening on trips or at other sites? Be sure to like and follow OHuddle on Facebook at the link above.

OHuddle Hours help YOU to put your own oxygen mask on to promote adult self care. These PD and giveaway sessions are scheduled three times per year in your building.
Keep in mind, even if you are not scheduled for mentorship on an OHuddle Hour day, you are welcome to come to your building for the session and takeaway. We appreciate all you do for our students!